Risk of Rain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 轉錄自ptt 作者: kimclark 我爸皮膚黑又理光頭,身高182cm,體重破百。只穿短褲,外加藍白拖,超愛抽煙、吃青仔。以﹝艋舺﹞的眼光來看 ,他是有輩份角頭。以﹝正常人﹞的眼光來看, 他是台客流氓。可是他只是個普通平凡的老百姓。每次他搭電梯,每個人都會怯生生說:「你先上去沒關係,我要拿信或Risk of Rain is a platform video game incorporating roguelike elements, developed by an indie two-student team from the University of Washington under the name Hopoo Games. The game, initially a student project, was funded through a Kickstarter campaign t...