全世界「最爽的監獄比在夜店還瘋狂」夜夜狂歡!裡面可以「聚賭 上FB」還流出開趴影片....
Risk of Rain - Official Site 提起監獄,很多人有自然會產生一種恐懼感,總感覺那裡環境惡劣,還聚集了很多作奸犯科的壞人,想想不寒而慄.. 然而,最近在英國威爾士新落成的一家監獄,卻刷新了人們的三觀——原來監獄真的可以變地比療養院更好啊啊啊啊! 這個叫 HMP BeHey guys! I know a lot of you are curious as to how we are planning on updating Risk of Rain. Let us explain! While we will be rolling out bug fixes as usual, the biggest feature update planned for the next patch is the Artifact system, as promised in our...