原木情結,WOOD.b 木質自行車系列
River Island - Official Site木材總是能夠帶給人清新愉悅的感受。法國自行車品牌BSG 推出了WOOD.b 系列自行車,其框架和把手完全由木材手工製作而成。設計師Thierry Boltz 和Claude Saos 保留了木材本身的紋理,每一個細節都體現著自然的味道。 ▲上面這款名為ALFINE 11,白色金屬支架搭配淺色木材顯得Find the latest women’s, men’s and kids' clothing trends at River Island. Shop online at your favourite high street store. Free delivery options available. This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies or...