超商買烤扇貝肉竟咬到一顆「白色珍珠」 日本網友:謝謝全家
LCD Image Retention Test - Marco.org 這真是天上掉下來的禮物!繼上次史上最「夢幻」的交易!這位女士買了15美金的蛤蠣 卻因此獲得200倍的回報的事件後,日本網路上又出現了另外一個夢幻交易!這位日本網友晚上去了全家便利商店購買烤扇貝肉來當下酒菜,當他在家裡悠閒地一邊喝啤酒,一邊吃著這些烤扇貝肉,突然感覺到自己咬到了堅硬的異物,吐出來後,Make the window as large as possible, display the grid for up to 10 minutes, and then switch to gray. Screens with image retention will show a faint impression of the grid on the gray background. By using this, you agree that I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for ......