In situ sequencing for RNA analysis in preserved tissue and cells : Nature Methods : Nature Publishi 日本49歲男子監禁一小學生欲將其培養成妻子 中新網7月22日電据日本《朝日新聞》22日報導,日本岡山縣倉敷市一名小學五年級女生被一名49歲男子監禁。這名女學生今年11歲,而這名男子號稱“想把女孩養成自己喜歡的類型,然後娶為妻子”。 據悉,犯罪嫌疑人名叫藤原武,是岡山市的一名Tissue gene expression profiling is performed on homogenates or on populations of isolated single cells to resolve molecular states of different cell types. In both approaches, histological context is lost. We have developed an in situ sequencing method f...