robert knepper 電影

Robert Knepper - IMDb 我以後生個兒子名字要叫“好帥”,那別人看到我就會說“好帥的爸爸 ”。 工作,退一步海闊天空,愛情,退一步人去樓空。 錢不是問題,問題是沒錢! 喝醉了我誰也不服,我就扶牆! 我就像一隻趴在玻璃上的蒼蠅,前途一片光明,但又找不到出路. 如果多吃Actor: Prison Break (2005) · Hitman (2007) · Transporter 3 (2008) · The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008). Born: Robert Lyle Knepper July 8 , 1959 in Fremont, Ohio, USA...


Robert Knepper - Rotten Tomatoes: Movies | TV Shows | Movie Trailers | Reviews 精神病 有一次,我到精神病院實習,在院裡走啊走。突然,一個病人舉著一把菜刀就對著我跑來, 嚇得我跑啊跑,結果前面被牆堵住了,我想,完了完了。 結果病人跑到我面前,把菜刀遞給我說:“到你抓我了。” 吃什麼 有個人,他 ​​腸胃不好。一天,他來到胃病醫院看病,對醫生說: &ldRobert Knepper Celebrity Profile - Check out the latest Robert Knepper photo gallery, biography, pics, pictures, interviews, news, forums and blogs at Rotten Tomatoes! ... The Tomatometer rating – based on the published opinions of hundreds of film and te...


Robert Knepper - TV.com搭訕某日,無聊出門逛街,看見前面有一漂亮mm…… 苦於無搭訕的辦法,於是揀起一塊磚頭。上前問mm:同學,這是你掉的吧? 很有緣分朋友的同學,晚自習上追一mm,上去問:同學,請問現在幾點?mm看了看表:八點半。那廝一臉驚訝的說:啊……我Robert Knepper biography, pictures, credits,quotes and more... Robert Knepper was born in Fremont, Ohio to a veterinarian parent. Kne... ... Robert: (about his character T-Bag on Prison Break) I tried to play him smart, cunning and a true survivor; just t...


Robert Knepper and Jodi Lyn O'Keefe interview (BuddyTV) - YouTube各年齡段男吻女趣聞記錄 每個不同年齡段的男人吻女人,所代表的含義都是有所差別的,這裡有些有意思的記錄。   5歲的男孩親了同歲的女孩一下,女孩天真地說:你好像耍流氓哦!你可要負責哦,將來一定要娶我哦!男孩被女孩逼著拉鉤發誓才算完。  10歲的男孩親了同學一下,女孩臉紅地說:你耍流BuddyTV's exclusive interview with Robert Knepper and Jodi Lyn O'Keefe of Prison Break.


Robert Knepper Movies List: Best to Worst 口渴 爸爸把兒子哄上床後,回到自己的臥室準備睡覺。“爸爸!”兒子叫道。“什麼事兒?” “我口渴,給我拿杯水好嗎?” “你剛才不是喝過了嘛?快睡覺,我已經關燈啦!” 5分鐘後List of the best Robert Knepper movies, ranked best to worst with movie trailers when available. Robert Knepper's highest grossing movies have received a lot of accolades over ......
