Robot Wants Kitty Official Site - Play Robot Wants Kitty on your iPhone - By Raptisoft and Hamumu Ga 文/親子微時光 (ID:wulibao23) 每個男人最害怕被問到的一個問題 我和你媽掉水裡了,你救誰? 這個舉世難題 竟然被這個男人攻破了! 看下面這個男人是怎麼回答的 看完你肯定讚不絕口! 最幸福的家庭是: 有一A robot's life is cold, mechanical and unfeeling. So what is a poor robot to do? Robot needs life, companionship, and something to warm Robot's lonely steel heart. ... In Robot Wants Kitty, your goal is simply... get the kitty! You'll have to use powerups...