Rock of Ages-Def Leppard (中文歌詞) @ 三分鐘熱度 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 有不少男性朋友喜歡趴著睡。 這種俯臥位的睡眠方式不但容易壓迫內臟、使呼吸不暢,對生殖系統也有一定影響。尤其對年輕人來說,危害更大。 首先,長期趴著睡會壓迫陰囊,刺激陰莖,容易造成頻繁遺精。 頻繁遺精會導致頭暈、背痛、疲乏無力、注意力不集中,嚴重的話還會影響正常工作和生活。&The band had the music written for this, but were having trouble coming up with lyrics. One night, there was a bible study group in the studio and the next day, lead singer Joe Elliott found a bible open to the hymn "Rock Of Ages." He started singing the...