rode nt1 a

RØDE Microphones - NT1-A當時序來到年底,最精選的好康也都擺在後頭,見識過美女明星們輪番推出寫真集後,每年給男人獻禮的倍耐力Pirelli,最新2015性感年曆剛剛出爐,要來陪伴男士們一起度過年末的寂寞時刻,除此之外,蛇蠍美人伊娃葛林Eva Green今年也受邀擔任義大利烈酒品牌金巴利Campari的年曆女郎,大秀火辣好身材1' Cardioid Condenser Microphone ... The NT1-A is one of the most transparent sounding microphones on the market, making it the perfect tool for home recording artists and major studios alike to have in their mic lockers....

全文閱讀 Rode NT1A Anniversary Vocal Condenser Microphone Package: Musical Instruments 【12月號COVER_GUY】王力宏 強心錨盾 【12月號COVER_GUY】黃河 角色教會我的事情 【12月號UNO_GUY】魏漢鼎 鏡頭下的大人 【12月號GIRL_FRIEND】陳語安 新生代甜心 【跟著men's uno編輯學穿搭】時尚機能暖冬 【men's uno編輯嚴選】關住的秘密 執Rode NT1A Vocal Condenser Microphone The NT1A Anniversary Model is a complete redesign of the now legendary NT1 classic studio microphone. From the new nickel plated body to the state of the art surface mount electronic circuitry, the NT1A will leave you ...


Rode NT1-A | 以平易近人的價格提供時尚與品質見稱的國際知名品牌 H&M Hennes & Maurltz AB (H&M),台灣首間旗艦店將於 2015 年 2 月隆重揭幕。坐落於北市指標地段信義區的微風松高店,店面面積超過 2900 平方公尺,勢必為全台穿搭愛好者呈獻一個嶄新的時尚中心。 而在此之前,我們幫讀I want to express my sincere thank you to my Sweetwater Sales Representative Aaron Hoff for his recommendation and endorsement of this Rode NT1-A microphone. I gave Aaron the price range I had in mind and a very brief explanation of what I intended to use...


RODE NT1-A Condenser Microphone Bundle: Musical Instruments (台灣 – 2014年12月4日) 聖誕季節即將到來,香港迪士尼樂園為台灣民眾準備了一系列的佳節獻禮!由幸福影后林依晨及金曲歌王林俊傑首度同台共演,香港迪士尼樂園幸福無所不在微電影—「幸福的原點」於今日舉辦首映,帶領民眾一同進入屬於香港迪士尼樂園的夢幻國度,體驗從白天到夜晚,無所不在的幸福魔法!此The RODE NT1-A 1" cardioid condenser microphone has become an industry standard; delivering the warmth, extended dynamic range, clarity and high SPL capability typically only featured on some of the world's most expensive microphones. With a self-noise le...


Rode NT1-A Complete Vocal Recording Solution NT1-A B&H Photo (台灣 – 2014年12月4日)聖誕節前夕,香港迪士尼樂園特別將幸福與聖誕浪漫空運來台,金曲歌王林俊傑與幸福影后林依晨首度同台共演幸福無所不在微電影─「幸福的原點」,從不一樣的起點出發帶我們歷遊香港迪士尼樂園從白天到黑夜每一刻的幸福與歡樂。今日舉辦微電影首映,記者會現場林俊傑除了捎來林依晨的祝福Buy Rode NT1-A Complete Vocal Recording Solution features Cardioid Polar Pattern, 1" Diaphragm. Review Rode Large Diaphragm Condenser, Microphones ... Great Mic, can't beat it for the price. I'm fairly new to recording but I've worked with mics that were ...


Rode Rode NT1-A Complete Vocal Recording Solution | DV247 1966年,K-SWISS 創造網球鞋歷史,推出功能性且全皮製的經典網球鞋-The Classic,在The Classic受到大家歡迎後,SI-18 International 於1989年誕生,是另一雙K-SWISS精心打造並首度使用K-SWISS 的SI-18 避震系統,科技功能的設計提高移The Rode NT1-A Complete Vocal Recording Solution is everything you need to record vocals including Shockmount, Pop Shield, XLR Cable, DVD & 10 yr Warranty. ... The RODE NT1-A Complete Vocal Recording Solution is a complete set featuring a Rode NT1-A ......
