名人穿啥|JJ林俊傑 的 機場時尚 穿搭!超強帶貨力,讓人不自覺得多看好幾眼吧!
Return on investment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 大家以為時裝周街拍是最兇猛的戰場,但其實「機場時尚」才是最瘋狂的擂台賽!之前小小分享過呸姊 Jolin 蔡依林、 Nick 周湯豪近期的機場時尚穿搭,今回的主角則由我們的好朋友—JJ 林俊傑接棒。大家都知道,這一年 JJ 持續忙碌於林俊傑「聖Return on investment (ROI) is the concept of an investment of some resource yielding a benefit to the investor. A high ROI means the investment gains compare favorably to investment cost. As a performance measure, ROI is used to evaluate the efficiency of...