Rolling in the Deep - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia歐銻銻娛樂出品第四部自製劇《如果愛,重來》4/24(三)起將於愛奇藝台灣站、台視及東森綜合台聯合播出,今(23日)舉行首映記者會,林子平導演領主要演員張書豪、柯佳嬿、吳岳擎、李李仁、陳妤、魏蔓、鄧九雲、陳乃榮盛裝出席。劇中描述汪大樂(張書豪飾演)又搞砸了結婚紀念日! 今年是第六年,琪琪(柯佳嬿飾演)"Rolling in the Deep" is a song recorded by British singer-songwriter Adele for her second studio album, 21. The song was written by Adele and Paul Epworth. The singer herself describes it as a "dark blues-y gospel disco tune".[1] The largest crossover hi...