Men Refine the Art of Rolling Up Pants Legs - The New York Times一群好友聚會,情侶和夫妻共有五對,恩恩愛愛,你儂我儂.大夥一起吃晚餐的時候,蛋炒飯上來了.小紅對男友說:「我要炒飯.」嗯……炒飯.於是,其他人用很曖昧的眼光看著這一對小情侶說:「嗯…炒飯,炒飯,炒飯.」小紅這時候發現自己的語病,就很不好意思的低下頭.過沒多久The newest look in rolled pants legs for young men is a lightly pinched cuff that falls an inch or two above the ankle. ... Jens Sorgaard wears his cuffs with bright blue socks for emphasis. Credit Elizabeth Lippman for The New York Times “As cropped pant...