Amazon.com: Romo App-Controlled Robotic Pet for iOS Devices - for iPhone 5, 5s & 5c: Toys & Games一對戀人在灣仔區街頭爭論前往銅鑼灣的方向,男的說要向東走,女的堅持說向西走。剛好遇到一個朋友,於是男的請他公斷。「如果你要去銅鑼灣,就向東走;如果你要女朋友,就向西走。」朋友說。有一天有位弟弟去果園裡摘蘋果結果 果園的主人出來看到他他說:「走 . 我帶你去見你爸爸」結果 小弟弟對著另外一邊的樹說「爸Romo is a friendly robot that teaches kids the basics of computer programming and robotics through challenges, creative play, and advanced communications. Using an iPhone or iPod touch as his brain, Romo makes robotic technology available to everyone. Aft...