神到了!捷運市府站「50嵐」野生正妹私照曝光 竟是一位正妹工程師...
Amazon.com: Romo App-Controlled Robotic Pet for iOS Devices - for iPhone 5, 5s & 5c: Toys & Games 昨天台北最高溫30℃,有網友中午用餐時間,在捷運市府站「50嵐」捕獲野生正妹PO上表特神人引發熱議!相信各位粉絲都有看到就是這位《信義區30℃高溫福利!捷運市府站50嵐捕獲野生「櫻花妹」》神人文意外變成出賣同事文!一天時間不到,不得不說台灣人中「神人」還是有的...有網友(kimmy502)批踢踢Romo is a friendly robot that teaches kids the basics of computer programming and robotics through challenges, creative play, and advanced communications. Using an iPhone or iPod touch as his brain, Romo makes robotic technology available to everyone. Aft...