root evo 3d

[Guide] HTC EVO 3D Root after ICS OTA - [CDM… | HTC EVO 3D | XDA Forums好像從來都沒有好好謝謝他的陪伴~ 關懷忠心、從狗朋友開始。 After much searching! How to root a HTC EVO 3D CDMA (Sprint) after the official ICS update. Updated 8/29/2012 to include the newest steps, latest tool ver… ... Download the following files (in red) and complete these steps before starting: HTC Drivers HTC...


How to Root Evo 3D! [2.08.651.2 and Later] [HTC Unlock Method] | HTC Evo 4G Hacks!以後還是不要亂跟陌生人講話...   I’ve successfully used this method to unlock and root my gf’s evo 3d sprint cdma. Thank you! Having read many different sites about different roms, I am confused about which ROMS are available at this point. They warn of “s-on” or “s-off” “don’t use super...
