GalaxyS4Root.com - Learn How To Root Samsung Galaxy S4, install custom ROMs, and more! 還記得《西遊降魔片》里的豬剛鬣嗎?他是周星馳的助理,星爺讓他客串了一下,卻讓他的角色成為經典之作。 他叫陳炳強,是周星馳的外圍助理。他形容自己的工作職責:「我主要是負責不讓別人衝上去和周先生合影簽名。」 在跟隨星爺之前,陳炳強本來已經做過演員,電視劇《女相》里的「元壽」For those of you who want to root your Galaxy S4, here’s another root method using TWRP recovery. Why another method? Well, at the time of this video, some models do not have CWM recovery available. But TWRP recovery is just as good as CWM recovery ......