How To Root Your Android Phone Or Tablet - AddictiveTips - Tech tips to make you smarter原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 夏天啊~最近這麼熱 真的很難不感覺到夏天的來臨啊! 喵妹因為很怕熱, 真的不是很喜歡夏天就是了(#`皿´) 唯一期待的就是夏季動畫的來臨吧! 照慣例,要跟萌友們來分享 『最讓人期待的夏季動畫排行榜』啦! 其實喵妹每次都會看這類的排行榜 來決定自己要不要追動畫Greetings: I’m a complte newbie as it pertains to Android. I got a Viewsonic ViewPad 10 – the one with dual boot Android and Windows 7. It’s a cool device but my issue is that it’s running Android 1.6. I found what I think is a ROM for it on code.google.c...