WTF!35個讓老外看傻眼的真實「日本奇怪發明」!跟你握手的手機殼 還有工口的削鉛筆機!
portaspresso - Rosco Hand Grinder - portaspresso - The Ultimate Espresso Experience日本人的發明是全世界都認可的,因為他們總是站在最生活化的角度思考,總是有一些出乎意料的小發明,讓生活更方便,不過也有不少發明讓人看了覺得莫名... (source:9gag)本文下圖皆出自同處。 然而最近外國知名網站9gag分享了這35項發明,就算每一個都很實用,還是會讓你考慮要不要這麼吸引眾人目光The Rosco Hand Grinder is a manually operated coffee grinder designed to grind roasted coffee beans. It is a precision instrument capable of producing extremely accurate, consistent and repeatable grinds ranging from coarse plunger style to the finest Tur...