【總監碎碎念】帶著 Poler 走進一個如夢似幻的野營基地-水漾森林!
portaspresso - Rosco Hand Grinder - portaspresso - The Ultimate Espresso Experience 戶外X世界X遊樂:總監碎碎念-水漾森林! 嗨!JUKSY 的創意總監-ELMO 我又來啦!繼上次總監碎碎念的龍洞美景所介紹給大家的「 Black Yak」,這次我想要帶給大家的祕寶,是在前陣子沸沸揚揚登台的「 Poler 」!許多喜愛戶外活動,又想要穿得好看的朋友,一定知道The Rosco Hand Grinder is a manually operated coffee grinder designed to grind roasted coffee beans. It is a precision instrument capable of producing extremely accurate, consistent and repeatable grinds ranging from coarse plunger style to the finest Tur...