Flea Market :: Rose Bowl Stadium (一)心中的哀傷難以言傳。 成長沒有所謂的捷徑,心智成熟的旅程相當漫長。 迴避艱難只能帶來更多的艱難,每個人都有自己的路,自己的人生目標。 經歷艱難,選擇那條少有人走的路,或者才是心智成熟的必經之路。 只是看似安全,但就像美麗而名貴的鞋子,如果壓根兒不合腳,Bus Parking The Rose Bowl Flea Market has free bus parking for all groups. The busses are parked just outside the main entrance. Each member of a group will receive $3.00 off their admission. The guide and the driver will receive free admission. Call R.G....