Rose Connection // Your Rose Byrne Source Since 2004當今最紅的職棒啦啦隊女神「艾蜜絲」,前日推出了《for you》Amis L. 艾蜜絲浪漫寫真書!上市當天她親自直播帶著粉絲去書店尋找自己的寫真書,結果竟然大賣到書店缺貨! (艾蜜絲與前來參與簽書會的粉絲合影留念。圖片來源:尖端出版提供) 為了回饋感謝FB上近30萬的粉絲On Sunday, September 22nd, Rose attended the 65th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles, California. Over 60 HQ and MQ images from the event have been added to the Gallery: GALLERY LINK: Home > Public Appearances > 2013 > 65th Annual ......