round trip time definition

What is round-trip time (RTT)? - Definition from WhatIs.com據英國《每日郵報》報導,如果數學老師擁有結實六塊肌,媲美電影明星的俊俏臉蛋,少女們,妳們還想翹課嗎?"意大利一名時尚男模,不僅為各大品牌走秀,更是大學的數學講師,外表和頭腦一樣出色,在校園造成轟動,而他的照片也在網路上瘋傳,被譽為史上最帥的數學老師。 這名令人嫉妒的帥哥伯賽利(Pietro BoseRound-trip time (RTT), also called round-trip delay, is the time required for a signal pulse or packet to travel from a specific source to a specific destination and back again. In this context, the source is the computer initiating the signal and the des...


round-trip time definition of round-trip time in the Free Online Encyclopedia.   之前在臉書加了一個非常漂亮的MM,經常看她發的臉書,感覺她是個很缺愛、很悶騷、經常訴說各種愛情和感情的不愉快 後來知道她是做模特的,超期待可以去車展看看真身吖!!誰知真的只可遠看,不可褻玩吖!真人的顏完全是毀我童年啊!!   先看臉書的照片!完全是仙女下凡啊有沒有! &nbround-trip time - (RTT) A measure of the current delay on a network, found by timing a packet bounced off some remote host. This can be done with ping-s. ... Highlights of Hitachi WAN Accelerator Family (1) Efficiency improvements for long-distance data ....


What does round-trip light time mean? - 我正專心的看電視,他突然說:「我們離婚吧。」他很嚴肅,不像是跟我開玩笑。浮上我腦海的第一個念頭是:他肯定炒股虧大了,或者是得了絕症,怕連累我。我堅決的搖頭,油然而生一股要跟他共患難的豪情。 他的第二句話將我打入地獄:「我愛上別人了,對不起。」「什麼時候?」我努力沉住氣。「半年了,是旅行認識的,她是Definition of round-trip light time in the dictionary. Meaning of round-trip light time. What does round-trip light time mean? Information and translations of round-trip light time in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource ...


round-trip time definition | English dictionary for learners | Reverso 你永遠不能脫下女神的褲子!但我能! round-trip time meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'round trip',round up',round robin',round', Reverso dictionary, English simple definition, English vocabulary ... A culture of internet only jobs has coined the phrase Wirk. Wirk s...


round-trip time Definition and Meaning - Dictionary Of Engineering看過火影的人都知道,宇智波斑與千手柱間是整個故事前期最為傳奇的一代英才,火吧裡總有人對比佐助鳴人,斑與柱間,乃至長門與鼬,鼬與自來也等等。   其中裡面有許多腦殘貼,這些人根本就沒有理清劇情,誇大自己支持的角色的能力,真是可悲,但是也有許多優秀的值得一看的帖子,這些帖子寄予我不小的啟發,於round-trip time definition - The time interval required for a signal or data to travel from one communications network node to another, and back. For example, the time required for ......


round-trip light time - definition, etymology and usage, examples and related words這是一個真實的故事,發生在俄羅斯北部的一個小鎮,時間是2007年8月5日。 傍晚時分,沙波瓦洛夫與妻子到夏令營探望女兒後準備回家,然而長途汽車要一個小時以後才能到站,於是他們來到河邊散步。微風輕吹,波光蕩漾,妻子依偎在丈夫胸前,兩人似乎回到了情侶時代,時間就在這滿滿的幸福中悄悄流逝。 突然,一片烏雲Definition of round-trip light time in the Fine Dictionary. Meaning of round-trip light time with illustrations and photos. Pronunciation of round-trip light time and it's etymology. Related words - round-trip light time synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and ...
