Macro to format raw data in to desired formatted data file. [SOLVED] 1:怕老婆可長壽 怕老婆的人不能抽煙,不能喝酒,不能尋歡作樂,每天下班之後必須早早回家報到。因而生活極其有規律,也改變了婚前的不少壞習慣,繁重的家務使身體得到了鍛煉,能不長壽嗎? 2:怕老婆可省錢 怕老婆的人拿老婆作推搪的藉口,謝絕了豬朋狗友間的一切應酬,省下的菸酒錢可早日實現供房、供車大計。 3Hi millZ, I have uploaded the text file, excel file of raw data and output data and doc with steps how i will do the conertion from text to excel. I have created the text file as muxh as similar to my original text file using line numbers and column numbe...