The Royal Blog of Oz每個年齡都有適合做的事情, 中學正是為學習與探索這個廣大世界的能力做準備的時期, 那關於戀愛呢? 文/李偉文 假日與雙胞胎女兒AB寶剛看完泰國電影《初戀那件小事》,姊姊A寶就立刻要求重看最後女主角小嵐與男主角小莫相遇的那一段:「拍得好有趣,也好感人喔!」 我附和著:「前兩年臺北市教育局要幫全臺北市高In the 1990s, Books of Wonder supplemented their deluxe reprints of the Oz books (that's... probably the best term for them) with a host of brand new Oz stories, basically in an attempt to re-launch the Oz series. One of the big contributors to this new l...