HMS Rorqual (S02) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說,魚這種動物,存在感真的不高.... 除了深海某些怪魚,大部分魚唯一在魚生中能有點存在感的時刻,就只有被端到餐桌上。 但最近,一項長達25年的英國研究發現, 人類真的欠魚一個道歉! 因為把包括在女性避孕藥在內各種人造化學物質被排入水域, 英國有很大一部分魚變性了...... 魚變性了.... HMS Rorqual (S02) was a Porpoise-class submarine launched in 1956. She was built by the Vickers shipyard in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England. The boat was named for both the rorqual, a family of whale, and the earlier Second World War-era submarine of ...