RPG Maker VX Ace - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download.com 我是李嘉誠, 12歲就開始做學徒, 還不到15歲就挑起了一家人的生活擔子, 再沒有受到過正規的教育。 當時自己非常清楚, 只有我努力工作和求取知識, 才是我唯一的出路。 我有一點錢我都去買書, 記在腦子裡面, 才去再換另外一本。 到我今天來講, 每一個晚上, 在我睡覺之前, 我還是一定得看書。 知RPG Maker VX Ace improves every aspect of RPG creation, making it not only the latest, but also the greatest engine in the RPG Maker Series ... 5 stars "A Wonderful Program that needs Improvement" June 19 ......