便當袋 XD
RPG Maker VX Ace | RPG Maker | Create A Game!某在XX小學的午餐時間...噹噹噹噹~『訓導處報告、訓導處報告,訓導處有一只遺失的便當袋,便當袋上有一隻黃色松鼠的圖案,請有遺失的同學來訓導處認領』噹噹噹噹~(約過了20秒)噹噹噹噹~『訓導處更正、訓導處更正,是皮卡丘』噹噹噹噹~相信大家對白雪公主的故事都不陌生更不用說裡面那面會說話的魔鏡了這天..Check out all of the amazing features of RPG Maker VX Ace! ... Simple enough for a child; powerful enough for a developer. RPG Maker VX Ace improves every aspect of RPG creation, making it not only the latest, but also the greatest engine in the RPG Maker...