RPG Maker VX Ace | RPG Maker | Create A Game! 不少女生對於人魚都有憧憬,感覺那是象徵童話的美麗故事,但誰說喜歡人魚是女性的專利呢?美國佛羅里達州就有一位喜歡人魚的奇男子,其實用喜歡這個詞已不足以形容,因為他打從心底想變成人魚。 即使開車要一個半小時,艾瑞克依舊堅持每週去三次天然溫泉,穿上人魚尾巴,愉快的在水裡游泳。「在水中,我就想離開了這個世Check out all of the amazing features of RPG Maker VX Ace! ... Simple enough for a child; powerful enough for a developer. RPG Maker VX Ace improves every aspect of RPG creation, making it not only the latest, but also the greatest engine in the RPG Maker...