How to convert Centrifuge RPM to RCF or G-force? | Clinfield 夏天總少不了拿比基尼說事的商業炒作,比基尼這種用料最省的泳裝誕生於1946年,到80年代才隨著健美競賽走進中國大陸。如今,它本身已經算不上什麼吸引眼球的東東了,起碼知道它的人比知道基尼係數的更多。比基尼對很多行業有關鍵影響,比如……車展…&heHow to convert Centrifuge RPM to RCF or G-force? Posted on Jul 15, 2012 by Kelly Gleason in Research Translational research is finding its way into all phases of clinical trials which means more and more research nurses are finding themselves with the tas...