Grado Labs - RS1e 想知道擁有陽光般燦爛笑容的庭甄心目中的最愛是什麼嗎?快跟著K小編來認識這位目前就讀桃園高中的可愛女孩吧!(以下桃紅色文字為李庭甄回答) 【圖/李庭甄授權】 1. 姓名:李庭甄 2. 綽號:甄甄 3. 生日:1997/9/28 4. 學校&年級:桃園高中 一年級 5. 興趣Referential Treatment Ever wondered what hardcore audiophiles are hearing, and that you might be missing? The Grado RS1e is the point of no return so... ... Model Name: RS1e Audio Specs: Transducer Type: Dynamic Operating Principle: Open Air Frequency ......