超神奇 手機號碼就能知道年齡
Rules of the Game (Amy Tan) by Shmoop - YouTube你的手機號和你本來有緣!知道手機號就知道年齡了!趣味分享:年齡與手機號碼的秘密 !真是太準了…這個不知誰發現的?好玩。我剛試過,大概花15秒吧,下面,一邊讀著,一邊按著計算器做,才不會失去樂趣:[1]看一下你手機號的最後一位;[2] 把這個數字乘上2;[3] 然後加上5;[4] 再乘以Rules of the Game is a chapter in Amy Tan's book The Joy Luck Club and is used to reflect how the game of chess is a metaphor to represent life's greatest battles.There are many parallels such as following a path, encountering obstacles, and gaining power...