2019「台北新車大展」1:SUBARU 傳奇休旅Forester領銜EyeSight車系 樹立頂尖
PLANTATION RUM ORIGINAL DARK OVERPROOF « A MOUNTAIN OF CRUSHED ICE為體現SUBARU卓越超群的品牌魅力,SUBARU台灣意美汽車在「2019台北新車大展」,以傳奇休旅All-New Forester領銜坐鎮展區,展出包括跨界潮旅XV、性能超跑旅Levorg2.0、完美跑旅Levorg1.6、豪華旗艦休旅Outback以及超性能房車WRX五大品牌中堅安全車系,並找來Sounds like a great rum. I spotted a bottle during a recent back bar tour at The Mai-Kai. Now the challenge is figuring out which drink(s) they use it in. I’ll be posting photos and a full report on the tour soon as part of The Mai-Kai cocktail guide on T...