rum and coke proportions

PLANTATION RUM ORIGINAL DARK OVERPROOF « A MOUNTAIN OF CRUSHED ICE        以前的蝙蝠俠就是這樣合成的!!     但是才華洋溢的網友修改之後....                     &nbsSounds like a great rum. I spotted a bottle during a recent back bar tour at The Mai-Kai. Now the challenge is figuring out which drink(s) they use it in. I’ll be posting photos and a full report on the tour soon as part of The Mai-Kai cocktail guide on T...


PLANTERS PUNCH – EIGHT VERSIONS OF A FAMOUS RUM DRINK « A MOUNTAIN OF CRUSHED ICE 你剛剛是在取笑我的睡衣嗎?你再笑一次試試看?You found planters for all kinds of palates! Reminds me of when I lived in Paris. Every bar near my work had a completely different version of the planters, and they managed to screw up most of them. I wish I could point them to this post. I gotta give Re...


What to mix with Rum? - Penny Arcade   前一陣子的新聞中,偶而會出現有人將東西放在捷運坐位上,霸占位置不給其他人坐的情況發生 這樣是錯的!! 對!就是錯的! 這時候就要來看看要如何整治這個社會了!! 雞哥現身說法!!!! So I need some advise on what I should be mixing with some Rum. I have a bottle of Myers Dark Rum, and I don't really know what to mix it with other than Coke. Idealy I would like to mix it with a hot beverage, as as it's starting to get cold at night up ...


Simple Shrubs – 12 Bottle Bar Feed me!Since there’s no place in America that serves more Shrubs than City Tavern, which prides itself on its colonial accuracy, I can hardly argue with this recipe (although, according to Wayne Curtis, they do use Captain Morgan as their Rum of choice). While i...


Rum - Caribbean Class 你也可以這樣試試看!Rum - Caribbean Class. Rums are as diverse as whiskies, and much depends on how the distiller and blender create their product. Rum is also thought to be the world's oldest spirit with its cultural heritage centered in the Caribbean and its history inextr...


El Dorado 12-Year Rum | Rum Ratings - The Global Rum Community | Rate, Share, and Explore Rum | Rum 我可不想一直跟妳們在一起!El Dorado 12-Year rum - rated #215 of 2024 rums: see 149 reviews, photos, other El Dorado rums, and similar Aged rums from Guyana ... This rum is very excellent in the glass and the nose is very smooth. First sip will hit your mouth with baking spice and ...
