run-down Meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary 一名男子早前因為一場摩托車事故而使其左手一直疼痛難忍,於是他做了一個驚人的決定——自行截肢。 今年44歲的Mark Goddard來自英國德文郡,是一個孩子的爸爸。他在16年前遭遇了一場車禍使得其這十幾年來一直要忍受手臂的疼痛。於是,忍無可忍的他要求醫生移除他的左手,但卻遭run-down meaning, definition, what is run-down: Run-down buildings or areas are in very bad condition: . Learn more. ... Look at these two sentences: My sister made the cake. The cake was made by my sister. Both these sentences mean the same. The first is...