run - definition of run in English from the Oxford dictionary 1「存天理滅人欲」那位大學士朱熹喜歡自掘墳墓,曾經把自己兒媳婦的肚子搞大。 2逼死楚霸王的韓信死時被關在籠子裡,籠子外面蒙上佈,然後一群女人用竹槍捅死了他。 3文成公主是松贊乾布的小老婆。小喬也不是周瑜的正妻,只是一名妾室。 &nbMore example sentences I marched over to the sink, turned on the lukewarm water and ran my arms under it. If you run it under hot water you will also find that when you leave it to dry in the cutlery drainer it will dry off quicker and have fewer streaks....