runner up

Runner-up - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 看我的厲害,拿出我得絕招!!!A runner-up is a participant who finishes in second place in any of a variety of competitive endeavors, especially sporting events and beauty pageants; in the latter instance, the term is applied to more than one of the highest-ranked non-winning contesta...


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Runner-up | Define Runner-up at Dictionary.com滿分~ runners-up, the competitors who do not win a contest but who place ahead of the majority of the contestants and share in prizes or honors, as those who place second ... There will be one grand prize winner and four runner-up winners. But he has twice been...


Runner-up - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary 各位! 這完全的認同!: a person or team that does not win first place in a competition but that does well enough to get a prize; especially: a person or team that finishes in second place ... Full Definition of RUNNER-UP: the competitor that does not win first place in a cont...


Runner-up dictionary definition | runner-up defined 汪汪! 我是香蕉狗!runner-up [run′ər up′] noun The definition of a runner up is a person who finishes second in a race or other competition. An example of a runner up is a person who wins the silver medal at the Olympics instead of the gold. runner-up noun pl. runners-up a ...
