超級辣媽 Jessica Alba 潔西卡艾芭 從 03 年到 14 年身材到底是如何保持的?
The Running Man - Arsenal Tour 2013 - YouTube 即將在月底上映的《萬惡城市:紅顏奪命》備受大家萬分期待,而 Jessica Alba 潔西卡艾芭在片中飾演的 Nancy 一角展現全方位的性感面貌,就算她已經是兩個孩子的媽咪,身材還是依舊保持穠纖合度的完美,跟早期的電影 "Honey 蜜糖第一名" 簡直不分軒輊,難怪是全世界人人稱羨的性感女神,現Arsenal goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny tells the story of how the extraordinary exploits of one Vietnamese fan got him a very special ride on the team bus. It all started when the team went on a sight-seeing trip in Hanoi... Subscribe and get all the latest...