超值性價比,阿斯頓·馬丁發布新一代V8 Vantage GT 系列跑車
Runs down | Define Runs down at Dictionary.com阿斯頓·馬丁(Aston Martin)將在本週紐約車展上帶來新款V8 Vantage GT 系列跑車。它被視為早前在日內瓦車展亮相的Vantage N430 的北美版,並且首次嘗試推出敞篷版本。V8 Vantage GT 搭載的4.7 升V8 發動機,最大可輸出430 匹馬力,並提供Runs down definition, to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground. ......