1/100 MG RX-78-2 Gundam Ver. One Year War 0079 Animation Color by Bandai | HobbyLink Japan 很可愛活潑的感覺啊! 只是小朋友個性!其他都很完美啊XD 別人要用用化妝品和衣服讓女友開心,你只需要棒棒糖就好~!! -------------------------------靠北女友原文:我女友身高147看她嬌小可愛的樣子一眼看會讓人想好好保護但我想靠北的是並不是這樣!&nbsMolded in the colors used in the classic "Mobile Suit Gundam" anime series, this version is identical to the MG RX-78-2 Gundam kit from 2005 except for the color and decal sheet for custom markings. This kit features the same incredibly flexible inner fra...