s p 500 vix short-term futures index

S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Index - S&P Dow Jones Indices有一個年輕人,覺得任何工作都太辛苦了。他做過的每份工作,從來沒有超過十天。 他的父親因此感到十分苦惱,也非常擔心,四處請求朋友代為留意合適的工作機會。 終於有一天,一位朋友帶來了一個好消息。他為這年輕人找到了一份非常輕鬆的工作:年輕人什麼都不必做,只要每天坐在椅子上,就算完成這一天的工作。 這工作是The S&P 500® VIX Short-Term Futures Index utilizes prices of the next two near-term VIX® futures contracts to replicate a position that rolls the nearest month VIX futures to the next month on a daily basis in equal fractional amounts. This results in a c...


VXIS Quote - iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Index ETN Fund - Bloomberg Markets一個財務專業顧問收到新印的名片後,氣急敗壞地打電話向印刷廠抗議… 「你們搞什麼鬼?我的名片印成『專業顧門』,少了一個口啦!」 「對不起對不起,我們馬上幫您重印!」 數日後,重新印的名片寄來了…務專業顧問看了更氣 上面頭銜印著「專業顧門口」!iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN is an exchange-traded note issued in Germany. The Note will provide investors with a cash payment at the scheduled maturity or early redemption based on the performance of the underlying index, the S&P 500 Short .....


VIX - Wikipedia        一位生命垂危的先生在交待遺囑... 先生:臨死前,我有一個心願,妳能為我做到嗎? 妻子:是什麼心願?你儘管說,我一定幫你完成 先生:我死後,希望妳嫁給隔壁的老王 妻子:為什麼? 先生:那個混帳東S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (NYSE: VXX) and S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN (NYSE: VXZ) launched by Barclays iPath in February 2009 ......


CBOE Short-Term Volatility Index sup SM sup (VXST sup SM sup )有一天,草莓和人類走在路上,突然有一台車衝了過來,草苺被撞死了,人類就笑她說:「哈哈!草莓醬!」草莓聽了很生氣,便詛咒他說:「詛咒你一定被車撞到!!詛咒你一定被車撞到!!......」不久人類果然被撞死了,草莓笑他說:「哈哈!!人渣!!」CBOE's VXST provides a new market-based gauge of expectations of 9-day volatility, making it particularly responsive to changes in the S&P 500® Index. With its nine-day snapshot, VXST is a valuable tool for traders looking to target short-term moves with ...


S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Index Total Return - ETF Tracker        長得又胖又安全的中年婦人,跑到交通警察面前說:「有個無聊男子一直在後面跟蹤我。」 警察對中年婦人打量了一下,「我想他可能一時喝醉了,等一下就沒事了!」     See all ETFs tracking the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Index Total Return, including the cheapest and the most popular among them. ......


S&P 500 Dynamic VIX Futures Index      爸爸:「小毛,你吃糖為什麼不分給弟弟吃呢? 你看老母雞找到小蟲,都會給小雞吃,你應該學習母雞的愛心啊!」小毛:「我會的,爸爸您放心!如果我找到小蟲,也會給弟弟吃。」     The S&P 500 Dynamic VIX Futures Index series dynamically allocate s between the short-term and mid-term VIX futures indices excess return to provide cost efficient exposure to forward implied volatility. The following indices are included in the series: •...
