The Pastor's Pen | Official Blog of Ted Haggard 情人節雖然已經過去,但巧克力的濃情還在,玫瑰花的香味還在。 有國外研究指出熱戀期的持續時間通常為6~24個月,引發“熱戀期”效應的原因是腦部的神經傳導素苯乙胺(PEA)被驅動,再加上多巴胺與正腎上腺素的作用,致使剛戀愛的兩人擁有甜蜜不願分離的感受。而這樣化學激素分泌可以使人Due Process Matters Sheriff Terry Maketa, our previously well respected Sheriff of El Paso County, has been asked to resign by several public figures due to accusations of misusing his position. Though the sheriff and all three of the employees of the she...