How to Unroot AT&T Galaxy S2! [SGH-i777] | Galaxy S2 Root 這是我前幾天寫的。今天才有空丟在這裡。 上一次我破例為Proton SuprimaS提前來一個寫車報告,是因為Proton每逢一推出新車都是備受矚目的,Perodua也不例外。但是為什麼我今天又會提前寫全新的ToyotaVios呢?因為這款車的受矚目程度毫不遜於國產車,而且也是全馬最If for some reason you need to return your AT&T Galaxy S2 back to the store for warranty or you just itch to get back to a completely stock phone, you can unroot/unbrick your phone using methods outlined here, which will completely unroot your phone with ...