s3 mini root app

[ROOT & TWRP] Galaxy S3 Mini i8190 (Español) - YouTube   下次可別吃得那麼大口啊XD↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓EXPANDE ESTO↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Link del Odin : http://adf.ly/UhBt3 Link del TWRP&Root : http://adf.ly/YrfvM Link de CWM&Root : http://adf.ly/YrfsB Link de Pag de FB : http://on.fb.me/Nmp4aL No nos hacemos responsables por ninguna daño, bloqueo o descomp...


[How-To] Root Galaxy S3 MINI i8190L (Español Mx) - YouTube   是不是很精彩啊~↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓EXPANDE ESTO↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ SUSCRIBETE AL CANAL: http://www.youtube.com/GalaxyAppsMX Visitanos en Facebook: http://on.fb.me/riO3yY y en Twitter: @GalaxyAppsMx IMPORTANTE: Proceso NO compatible con la versión i8190N =====REQUERIMIENTOS===== Samsung Ki...


三星4吋《Galaxy S3 mini》正式「迷你」登場亮相囉 睜大眼睛看清楚!你能看得出幾張裡的他?在外界謠傳了好一陣子的迷你版Galaxy S3 ~最新也終於由三星官方~在稍早之前所舉行的德國自家發表會上~正式向大家介紹了這款新機囉~不過到底新登場的這款迷你版Galaxy S3 mini又是具有哪些能讓外界驚豔的外觀造型和規格魅力呢~雖......


How to Root Your Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini Smartphone « Smartphones   超像的啊!!!How to Root Your Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini Smartphone While the Samsung Galaxy S3 is the world's best selling smartphone, there a few people that find the device just a bit too large. With a 4.8 inch display and 136.6 x 70.6mm dimensions, the phone can be .....


How to Root Galaxy S3 Mini I8190 on Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean Firmware - Honai of Android   小時候練得可勤了咧XD Samsung has released the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update for Galaxy S3 Mini with model number GT-I8190. The new official firmware is currently available as an Over-The-Air (OTA) update as well as through Samsung KIES. Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini I8190 users .....
