這樣的魯夫你…可以嗎? 歌舞伎版「航海王」造型曝光
[FULL FIX]S3 TO FACTORY STATE unroot/stock r… | Galaxy S3 | XDA Forum原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:鴉小編 萌友們呀比~我是鴉小編(‘ω’)ノ 在前陣子發表要改編成日本傳統歌舞伎的航海王, 居然發表魯夫的劇照了啊啊!!!(一整個受到衝擊) 演出魯夫的,是日本歌舞伎界赫赫有名的四代目市川猿之助 ▲跟魯夫一樣有點帥帥der~ ▲IMPORTANT: This guide is for the i9300 variant of the S3. Those with other variants - Please use this guide ONLY if you know for sure it will work for you. For those with the Verizion S3, it was reported that you can use this guide: http://forum.xda-devel...