s3 unroot

Tutorial How To Unroot Samsung Galaxy S3 | RootGalaxyS3iii.comAll the root and unroot pages I have seen are for the GT-i9300 models. I would like to root my SCH-1535. Will the instructions for root and unroot be the same? This is my first smartphone and I’ve never rooted before....


How To One Click UnRoot Galaxy S3 | RootGalaxyS3iii.comhi! by following ur tutorial.. after restore root, my CWM become gone when acces from recovery mode which it applies by original recovery mode from phones.. and my avast anti-theft is need to re-registered.. do u sure it really can be used on S3?...


How to Unroot &/or Unbrick Samsung Galaxy S3 (All Versions) - YouTubeThis is a tutorial on unrooting your Samsung Galaxy S3. This method works for all versions/variants. +++++­++ DOWNLOADS Odin: http://bit.ly/SBDUfT Tar Files International Unlocked (GT-I9300): http://samsung-updates.com/device/?id... AT&T (SGH-I747): http:...


Galaxy S3 Unroot | GalaxyS3Root.comHaving problems with custom ROMs? Or perhaps you want to just return your AT&T Galaxy S3 SGH-I747 back to AT&T for warranty purposes? No worries, it’s easy to unroot/unbrick your AT&T Galaxy S3 SGH-I747 completely back to stock. Follow these ......


無須重刷,直接 UnRoot 手機 | Noob's Space最近常常看到有人在問如何 ... 最近常常看到有人在問如何 UnRoot 手機,也許是怕失去保固,要把 Root 權限拿掉吧?根據個人經驗,要是軟體出問題自己都能夠解決,大不了重刷整個系統;要是硬體出問題,通常是個人因素,保固應該也沒有用了吧?...
