Samsung GALAXY S4 - Life companion Images Source: 13n 、 pstatp 、 hk01兄弟不看利益只講義氣! 幾年前紅極一時的國片《艋岬》,阮經天、鳳小岳等人精準詮釋了台灣道地特色的「江湖味」,而近幾年,「8+9」更是成為了時下最流行的網路用語,所謂「8+9」是「八嘎囧」的諧音,就是意指「八家將」,後來就被網友們拿Make your life richer, simpler, and more fun. As a real life companion, the new Samsung GALAXY S4 helps bring us closer and captures those fun moments when we are together. Each feature was designed to simplify our daily lives. Furthermore, it cares enoug...