Volvo S60 launched locally - RM348k for T6, RM288k for T5 圖翻攝自imgur.com 下同 各位網友,若你有親身經歷過親人突然離世,相信你們都能體會到那樣的悲傷,絕對會令一個家庭陷入無窮無盡的傷痛當中,而國外一名網友的父親剛剛因病離世,他的母親一時之間還無法順利從悲傷中走出來,為了讓母親能夠更堅強面對未來的日子,他一直很努力地在尋找適當的方法,It’s tagged as the sportiest Volvo ever launched in Malaysia, and it’s here – Volvo Car Malaysia today introduced the all-new second-generation S60, and to get things going the model is available in two CBU variant forms, these being the 3.0 T6 AWD (all-w...