BMW6 系列 2017年式更新
Service Advisor - What does SAE 10W-30 actually mean? - Tomorrows TechnicianBMW6系列跑車自2011年改款進入F12世代,目前已在市場約五年,而BMW目前針對北美市場2017年式6系列調整其強化套件內容,經過調整的M Sport Package新增了格雙色、雙肋條20吋規格鋁圈,配備高檔防爆失壓續跑配胎,並將藍色車色塗裝導入車系中。 除此之外,內裝部分更進行升級As engines have become more technologically advanced, engine clearance levels and viscosity grade recommendations may have been reduced, hence the reason your father swore by SAE 20W-50 and your engine calls for SAE 5W-30. If a thicker oil is used in ......