SAE J430 Grade 1 Steel - Metal and Metallurgy engineering - Eng-Tips 有沒有那麼餓!?連拆都不拆直接連包裝紙一起吃下去的漢堡包 有沒有想過,我們追求快速生活的時候,製造了多少的垃圾出來?點一份速食店的套餐,除了主食之外,店員還會放上衛生紙、吸管、番茄醬包、甚至是塑料湯匙、叉子等等,吃一頓晚餐下來,會製造的垃圾還滿驚人的,雖然環保筷子環保杯的觀念已經行之有年了,但好像SAE J430 Mechanical and Chemical Requirements for Nonthreaded Fasteners is a fastener product standard, not an initial material specification. Thus, one would order rivets from a rivet supplier asking for SAE J430 Grade 1, then a rivet supplier would dete...