這組耍流氓漫畫 看得我精神煥發!
Safeman Australia 本文由每天進步一點點整理編輯 轉載請註明出處 進步君: 你的生活是枯燥乏味還是樂趣不斷?你是喜歡一本正經還是挑戰各種可能?本文的女豬腳利用自己獨特的思維描繪了一個個令人捧腹大笑而後又陷入沉思的故事,快來看看吧! 曾經比賽時 你是否掉進過這些坑 Formed in 1989, Safeman is Australia's leading independent supplier of safety equipment, clothing and footwear. Today more than ever, occupational health & safety is fundamental. We offer our services as a partner to our clients and look forward to the op...