今天你需要好心情 - 四歲正太也能變潮哥
SAM 2013 Assessment, Training and Projects with MindTap Reader for Discovering Computers & Microsoft 來自美國的小帥哥 Ryker Wixom 今年只有四歲,不過模仿時尚雜誌的穿搭照片已經在網路上翻紅到再翻紅。而其中幕後的黑手就是 Ryker 的媽媽 Collette,身兼 Ryker 造型師與攝影師的她,起初拍照的動機就如同許多的父母喜歡將自家的寶貝照片放網路上一樣, Collette 在 InMisty E. Vermaat has more than 25 years of experience in the field of computer and information technology. In addition to consulting in the field, she was an Associate Professor at Purdue University Calumet, teaching or developing Microsoft Office, comput...