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Samantha Jade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia用報紙塞滿死屍完全合法 已故的Kendrick Johnson一家要求為Kendrick做二次屍檢,希望查出他的神秘死因。當Johnson一家人去殯儀館索要屍體,卻發現殯儀館已經摘除了Kendrick體內所有的器官,並用報紙塞滿了他的屍體,很明顯殯儀館打算用Kendrick的屍體用作萬聖節裝飾,如果Samantha Jade Gibbs (born 18 April 1987) is an Australian singer, songwriter, actress and former child model from Perth, Western Australia. She has written tracks for artists including JoJo and Ashley Tisdale. On 20 November 2012 Jade won the fourth serie...


Samantha Jade (album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  (Picture: Caters) 史瑞克的分身長在植物上? 看看這朵不尋常的蘭花,怎麼越看越像某個卡通人物,綠色的身體、咖啡色的外衣、橘色的部份像極了一張大嘴、絨毛則像觸爪,這朵蘭花宛如史瑞克本人刻印在上面,尖尖的頂端也像史瑞克的耳朵。只能說大自然的鬼斧神工令人感到驚奇! 【本文出處Samantha Jade is the self-titled debut studio album by Samantha Jade, the 2012 winner of the The X Factor (Australia), released through Sony Music Australia on 7 December 2012. The album's lead single "What You've Done to Me" preceded the album's release....


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