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Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 總有人問,分手後前任發信息來求復合該怎麼辦?如果交往的過程中已經覺得對方是極品而且感到痛苦了,就要像下面這些人一樣pia pia打臉,決不手軟~ 1.我們認識嗎? 2.晚了 3.無法反駁 4.少惹我 5.直接了當 6.真相 7.哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 8.指引明確 9.少做夢 10.品位差才&helliThe Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 (GT-S7270/GT-S7272/GT-S7275R) is a smartphone manufactured by Samsung that runs the Android operating system. Announced and released by Samsung in June 2013, the Galaxy Ace 3 is the successor to the Galaxy Ace 2.[1] The Galaxy Ace...